8 Month CD Special - 4.12%apy minimum $1000 to open - available through close of business on January 17, 2025.
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You are eligible for membership if you live, work, worship, volunteer or go to school in the Louisville Metro Area, KIPDA, Bluegrass, Lincoln Trail or Northern Kentucky Area Development Districts, as well as Floyd or Clark County, Indiana, and desire membership in Beacon Community Credit Union.
Eligibility is also extended to you if someone in your immediate family or household is currently a member of the credit union.
Refinance your auto loan PLUS no payment for up to 45 days! Rates as low as 5.35%% APR*.
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Buying a house can be an exciting and emotional process. Before starting your home search, you’ll want to understand the ins and outs of the homebuying process.
What is a credit union? How is a credit union different than a bank? Credit unions are not-for-profit organizations that exist to serve their members
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